ICC 2016 features 17 technical workshops, and prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers.
Please address general questions regarding the Technical Workshops to the Workshop Co-Chairs Tarek El-Bawab (telbawab@ieee.org) or Fabrizio Granelli (fabrizio.granelli@unitn.it). Questions regarding a specific workshop can be addressed to the respective workshop organizers.
Please make sure to follow the Author and Submission Guidelines.
Workshop paper submission (extended deadline): December 18, 2015
Workshop on Wireless Physical Layer Security
Primary contact: Xiangyun (Sean) Zhou
Second Workshop on Integrating Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grid (ICT4SG)
Workshop on Orchestration for Software-Defined Infrastructures (O4SDI)
Workshop on Next Generation Backhaul/Fronthaul Networks (BackNets'2016)
Eighth Workshop on Cooperative and Cognitive Networks (CoCoNet8)
Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ANLN)
2nd International Workshop on Advanced PHY and MAC Technology for Super Dense Wireless Networks (CROWD-Net)
3rd International Workshop on 5G Architecture (5GArch 2016)
Making the Tactile Internet happen - a workshop within the series of ULTRA2 - Ultra-Low Latency and Ultra-High Reliability in Wireless Communications
Workshop on Quality of Experience-based Management for Future Internet Applications and Services
Workshop on Novel Medium Access and Resource Allocation for 5G Networks
Workshop on 5G RAN Design
Workshop on Fiber-Wireless Integration
Workshop on Resiliency in Public Safety Communication Systems (RPSCS)
Second Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications
Workshop on Convergent Internet of Things